What currently works in Markua 0.30?
How can I generate an ebook from my Markua manuscript without Leanpub? While I'm really happy with Leanpub, I want a contingency plan since my work is totally dependent on Leanpub...
How can I use Custom Margins in my PDF and print-ready PDF?
When does Leanpub produce new book release notifications on the bell on the top of the website?
Can I specify a font?
Can I use Leanpub PDFs as part of the editing/reviewing process for my book?
What's the best way to make and send review copies of my book?
Can I override your default copyright message with my own, custom copyright message?
What if I want to preview the Markdown without generating the book on Leanpub?
Are the generated PDFs "PDF/X-3" (this is what both Lulu and Blurb are demanding for using their PDF-to-print workflow)?
Can the ebook be read on smartphones, tablets, Kindle, and other readers?
Can I unpublish my book? How?
I want to publish hardcover and paperback books on Amazon. How do I have both ISBNs shown? Leanpub only has one setting.
How do I create a "Preview" of my Leanpub book, that only I can see?
Can I put a footer on every page of my book to help prevent piracy?
I want to stop working on my book. What should I do?
AI usage disclosure details for Leanpub authors
I've uploaded my book onto Leanpub. What do I do next?
I'm writing in Browser mode, and my previews are failing at Step 12. What can I do to fix this?
Restoring a Product to a Previously Published Version
Is there a way to include certain chapters in the ebook version but exclude them from the print version?
How can I include the ISBNs for different versions of my book all on the same page near the front of the book?