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How do I get a refund?
How do I get a refund?

Keywords: refund, how

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Written by Leanpub Support
Updated over a week ago

You can get a refund for Leanpub books within 60 days of purchase, with just a few clicks!

The quickest way to get a refund is to go here:

...and to click the "Request a Refund" link next to your purchase.

You should receive the refund within 3 to 10 business days, depending on your method of payment and your financial institution.

Logging In to Your Leanpub Account

If you are not already logged in, please log in to your Leanpub account here:

If you can't log in to the account because you do not have the password, you can sign in by sending yourself a magic sign in link, or sending yourself a password reset link.

You can also request a refund by selecting a book you have bought for yourself in your Leanpub library:

1. Go to your Leanpub library here:

2. If you need to reset your password to sign in, you can do that here:

3. If you are getting a refund for a course or a course Track, please select the relevant option at the top of the library page

4. Select the item you want to get a refund for

5. Click the "Request Refund" button. It will look something like this:

6. Leave a comment about why you are requesting a refund (this is optional; you do not have to leave a comment, if you don't want to!):

7. Click the blue Request Refund button:

That's it!

How Long Will It Take for Me to Get My Refund?

Normally, you should receive your refund within 3 to 5 business days, or possibly a lot sooner, depending on your method of payment and your financial institution.

However, sometimes it can take up to 10 business days to receive a refund.

OK, that's it!

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