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Business Information About Leanpub

What's your address? What's your incorporation number? What's your GST number? What's your VAT number, your DUNS number, or your EIN number?

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Written by Leanpub Support
Updated over 4 months ago
Business Information About Leanpub

Leanpub is owned and operated by Ruboss Technology Corporation.

Ruboss is a company incorporated in British Columbia, Canada.

Ruboss's office address is:

Ruboss Technology Corporation
1321 Blanshard Street
Suite 301
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
V8W 0B6

Ruboss's incorporation number is BC0792951.

Ruboss's GST number is 845146190RT0001.

Ruboss's VAT identification number is EU372002581.

(Ruboss is based in Canada, but the EU has decided that all merchants need to charge VAT to EU customers.  We have registered to charge and remit VAT under the VAT OSS program.)

Ruboss's Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® Number is 246773704.

Our main contact email address is

Our Terms of Service can be found here:

Section 889 Certification Form for US Government Departments

We do not usually sign forms, and it is a condition of our Terms of Service that you do not require us to fill in a form for you, in order for you to make a purchase.

However, we have made an exception, and signed a form that was requested for us multiple times by people from a department of the US government.

Here is a download link to the 889 certification document, signed on November 26, 2024: download document here.

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