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Leanpub now has a Partner Program to help authors reach more readers and sell more books!
Leanpub now has a Partner Program to help authors reach more readers and sell more books!

Keywords: partner program, partnership, corporate partner, Learnerbly

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Written by Leanpub Support
Updated over a week ago

We have an exciting new initiative at Leanpub: a corporate Partner Program!

For a while now, a company that provides learning content to corporate clients with training budgets has been buying some Leanpub books as gifts for their clients.

They reached out to us recently to ask if we could somehow formalize the arrangement, which we were obviously amenable to: this will hopefully increase Leanpub book sales because it will decrease friction for their clients, who will be able to buy the books from the partner’s own platform going forward, using their companies’ training budgets.

Our new partner, Learnerbly, has provided us with an initial list of 40-plus Leanpub books they’d like to offer to their clients for purchase through their own platform.

We're really looking forward to how this works out! Lots of corporations use platforms like Learnerbly to provide a reliable and transparent way for their employees to spend their training budgets buying books.

While we are starting with Learnerbly, we expect that if this initiative is successful, in the future it will be expanded to include more partners. So, we’re formalizing it as our Partner Program. The full description of how the Partner Program works is here:

How You'll Know if You're Getting Partner Program Sales (Currently!)

If your book has been selected for a Partner Program, you'll see something like this on your book's Coupons page:

The arrangement is that all of these purchases will be made at the book’s Suggested Price. Our ordinary 80% royalty rate for authors applies just like with any Leanpub purchase, with no discount or anything like that.

The way it works is that the partner's client gets the "free" coupon link to make an ordinary Leanpub purchase with a Leanpub account, so they can get all updates to the book etc. for free, just like with any other Leanpub purchase.

So, from your perspective, you’ll see some “free” coupon sales to the partner, since we’re currently using our coupon feature to make this happen.

However, these aren’t actually free sales: the company will be paying us on a monthly basis for these sales, and then we will be remitting 80% to you. The timing will be similar to your normal royalty payments, but in the beginning these payments will be made separately from the normal royalty payments we make at the beginning of reach month.

Opting out of the Partner Program

While all Leanpub books are by default eligible for the new Partner Program (for the red tape, please see section 20 in our Terms of Service, "Partners and the Partner Program"), the primary author can opt any book out of the program at any time, on the Pricing page for each book.

You can find the Pricing page for your book here:

...making sure to replace YOUR_BOOK with your book's unique web address.

You can also find the Pricing page on your book's "Overview" page:

To opt out, on the Pricing page for your book, un-tick the "Allow Partner Program Sales" box, and then click the "Update Pricing" button:

Here's the current set of books up on Learnerbly:

Leanpub books available on the Learnerbly platform

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