If you try to add your Kindle address to your Leanpub account here
https://leanpub.com/user_dashboard/kindle, you'll see this rather outdated message:
"To help avoid costing you money, we actually send to @free.kindle.com instead of @kindle.com. This way, our books are only delivered over WiFi, not 3G, so that you hopefully do not get charged Kindle Personal Documents Service Fees by Amazon. For Kindles that are for the China market, we send emails to @kindle.cn email addresses, not @kindle.com or @free.kindle.com email addresses."
If you can't get a free.kindle email address, then you can try adding a book to Kindle using one of the other methods for adding a book to Kindle that we explain here.
The simplest thing to do is to use Amazon's own Send to Kindle app:
Send to Kindle
Regarding the free.kindle address, it's a bit buried, but we do explain why we do this here https://leanpub.com/user_dashboard/kindle under the "Add a Kindle" link.
If you can't find a way to get a free.kindle email address, then we're afraid our system won't work for you, sorry about that!
If you have any feedback or questions about this article, please email the Leanpub team about it at hello@leanpub.com!
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